New eBook: Goldman-Cecil Medicine

The library has added the 27th edition of Goldman-Cecil Medicine to our collection. This text provides advice on the diagnosis and treatment of thousands of common and uncommon conditions, always guided by an understanding of the epidemiology and pathobiology.

Goldman-Cecil Medicine has a practical, templated organizational structure with an emphasis on up-to-date, evidence-based references. The 27th edition now includes more information on Population Health, Effects of Climate Change on Health, Bradycardias, Transgender Medicine, Whipple Disease, COVID-19 Virology and Pathobiology, COVID-19 Epidemiology/Clinical Manifestations/Diagnosis/Community Prevention, COVID-19 Treatment and Vaccination, Polyomaviruses, and more.

ClinicalKey eBooks are readable online; in order to download a PDF you will need to create a personal account with Elsevier/ClinicalKey. To register for a new account on ClinicalKey, click the “Register” link in the top right while on the ClinicalKey platform. Enter your name and MSKCC email on the registration form.

If you have any questions or issues, please email

New eBook: Gunderson & Tepper’s Clinical Radiation Oncology

The library now subscribes to the 5th edition of Gunderson & Tepper’s Clinical Radiation Oncology

This text is a comprehensive, multidisciplinary resource for the entire radiation oncology team. It covers all aspects of the basic biology of oncologic disease processes as well as updated treatment algorithms, the latest clinical guidelines, and state-of-the-art techniques and modalities. There are over 1,000 images—detailed anatomy drawings, radiographic images, and more

Please note, that eBooks are only readable online on ClinicalKey; in order to download a PDF you will need to create a personal account with Elsevier/ClinicalKey. To register for a new account on ClinicalKey, click the “Register” link in the top right while on the ClinicalKey platform. Enter your name and MSKCC email on the registration form.

If you have any questions or issues, please email

New eJournal – NEJM AI

The Library now subscribes to the journal NEJM AI, a new monthly journal from NEJM Group. NEJM AI is an interdisciplinary journal facilitating dialogue among stakeholders invested in using AI to transform medicine. NEJM AI intentionally pairs “pre-clinical” and clinical articles to deliver critical context to both clinicians and non-clinician researchers. The journal bridges the fast-moving developments in AI, informatics, and technology in medicine with the application of these advancements to clinical practice. NEJM AI covers the application of AI methodologies and data science to biomedical informatics, connected health, telemedicine, medical images and imaging, personalized medicine, policy and regulation, and the ethical and medicolegal implications of AI.