Cancer care for LGBTQ2SPIA+ Patients

As previously discussed in the literature, the lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, two-spirit, pansexual, intersex, asexual, plus (LGBTQ2SPIA+) population faces multiple healthcare barriers.

In a new study from the University of Alberta (Canada), undergraduate researchers surveyed 214 radiation therapists involved in cancer care to assess their knowledge, attitudes, and practice behaviors related to this patient population. The study revealed knowledge gaps, with over 70% of the therapists not familiar with all terms associated with LGBTQ2SPIA+. While 74.5% reported experience caring for the LGBTQ2SPIA+ community, only 33% included appropriate gender pronouns when caring for LGBTQ2SPIA+ cancer patients. 87% of the surveyed providers expressed interest in receiving more education on the LGBTQ2SPIA+ community needs. While not generalizable to all Canadian radiation therapists, the results identified gaps that should be addressed to provide inclusive care. The study was published in the Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences.

One of this study’s findings is that over 70% of respondents were unsure if specific resources were available for the LGBTQ2SPIA+ population at their cancer center. Here are two resources available to the MSKCC LGBTQ2SPIA+ healthcare providers and patients:
-The National LGBT Cancer Network resources to providers: LGBTQ cultural competency trainings.
– MSKCC resources for LGBTQ2SPIA+ cancer patients: