Three Questions for our Librarians – Marina Chilov

In this post we posed our three questions to Research Informationist Marina Chilov.

1. What areas can you help MSK users with?
I’m a Research Informationist and I assist our users by providing reference and research support. I answer reference questions, conduct literature searches, collaborate with MSK researchers on Systematic Reviews, and teach classes on biomedical resources such as PubMed and citation management tools such as EndNote.

2. What projects have you been working on recently?
I’m also part of the Evidence-based Cancer Imaging Program (ECIP) team that is preparing for the implementation of the PAMA mandate at MSK. Recently, I developed literature searches aimed at finding evidence on the appropriate diagnostic imaging modalities for several clinical conditions assigned by the clinicians on the team.

3. What is your favorite meal?
I’m a vegetarian and among all the vegetarian options I favor simple, unsophisticated food. I love potatoes in all forms – mashed, baked, roasted, etc. And ice cream is my top dessert priority. In my world, ice cream is the culmination of human thought as far as food goes.