Three Questions – Alethea

For this edition of Three Questions, get to know Alethea Brisco, MSK Library’s Document Delivery Services Assistant and Office Manager Extraordinaire.

1. What areas can you help MSK users with?
On a daily basis I have a strong commitment to our users and pride myself in processing Docline/Interlibrary Loan (ILL) requests from our MSK collection in a timely manner for requesting libraries/users to help them fulfill their research needs in the pursuit of excellence in all their research activities. To our MSK community, our library is so much more than a print book collection! Our location in the Rockefeller Research Building offers knowledgeable Research Informationists that can help you with your research. I’m responsible for keeping our information technologies up to date for both new and established MSK researchers to acquire information and gather in an atmosphere beneficial to learning and discovery.

2. What projects have you been working on recently?
Lately I’ve been working to make sure our physical environment is inviting for our users. This includes having comfortable seating/workspaces, an installation of express iPad stations and charging stations, plus with our latest addition, the “Varidesks” (height adjustable workstations) for those that prefer to stand while working.

3. What is your favorite meal?
My favorite meal is steamed crab legs in garlic butter sauce with Old Bay Seasoning!